CL110: Red Hat OpenStack Administration I

Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators (CL110) is designed for system administrators who are intending to implement a cloud computing environment using OpenStack. You will learn how to configure, use, and maintain Red Hat® OpenStack Platform.

Duration: 5 days / 40 hours

Cost: INR To be announced

Course outline:

  • Introduce launching an instance
    • Launch an instance and describe the OpenStack architecture and use cases.
  • Organize people and resources
    • Manage projects, users, roles, and quotas.
  • Describe cloud computing
    • Describe the changes in technology and processes for cloud computing.
  • Manage Linux networks
    • Administer Linux networks and bridges.
  • Prepare to deploy an instance with public access
    • Manage images, flavors, and private networks in preparation for launching an instance.
  • Deploy an instance
    • Launch and verify an instance.
  • Manage block storage
    • Manage ephemeral and persistent block storage.
  • Manage object storage
    • Administer object storage.
  • Prepare to deploy an external instance
    • Manage external networks and security in preparation for launching an instance with public access.
  • Deploy an instance with public access
    • Launch and verify an instance with public access.
  • Customize instances
    • Customize an instance with cloud-init.
  • Deploy scalable stacks
    • Deploy a stack and configure autoscaling.
  • Install an OpenStack overcloud
    • Install an OpenStack proof of concept using the director UI and provisioning service templates.
  • Lab: Comprehensive review of CL110
    • Review tasks in the Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators course.